Majority of Americans back Ukraine as key to national interest - New poll
The recent poll shows the majority of Americans believe that supporting Ukraine is in the national interest of their country.
That’s according to Quinnipiac University’s survey run earlier this month, CE Report quotes Ukrinform.
In particular, 84% of respondents said that they follow news on the Russo-Ukrainian war either very closely (39%) or more or less closely (45%).
Also, 62% of Americans are sure that supporting Ukraine is in the national interest of the United States, while only 29% have the opposite opinion.
The poll shows 55% of respondents do not approve of President Trump's approaches to the issues of the Russo-Ukrainian war, while 38% assess them positively.
Among those surveyed, 56% had a negative attitude toward the suspension of U.S. military aid to Ukraine (91% among Democrats, 57% independents, and 24% Republicans), 39% supported the decision (5% Democrats, 40% independents, and 70% Republicans).
When asked which country is closer in values to the US, 65% said Ukraine, 9% named Russia, and 26% did not offer an opinion.
At the same time, 61% of Americans believe President Trump is not tough enough on Russia: 31% assess his current attitude toward Russia as correct, another 2% opine that he is too tough toward Moscow.
Half of those surveyed say Trump is too tough on Ukraine, 35% believe his attitude is correct, and 8% said he is not tough enough.
Also, 43% of Americans have a positive attitude toward Ukrainian President Zelensky, 33% assess him negatively, and 22% admitted they are not sufficiently informed.
At the same time, only 7% of those surveyed have an attitude toward Russian leader Vladimir Putin, 81% perceive him negatively, and 9% have not enough information to offer an opinion.
The survey was conducted March 6-10 throughout the United States, covering 1,198 registered voters, with an error margin of +/- 2.8 percentage points.