Central European Morning Report: "Political Developments and Legal Proceedings in Europe: Romanian Government Initiatives and Greek Parliament Incident"

Central European Morning Report: "Political Developments and Legal Proceedings in Europe: Romanian Government Initiatives and Greek Parliament Incident"


Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu Initiates Early Pension Payments Before Easter: Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has instructed the Minister of Labor, Simona Bucura-Oprescu, to take measures to ensure that pensioners receive their pensions before Easter. A draft resolution has been proposed to advance the payment of pensions and other special legal entitlements, amounting to over 9.331 billion lei.

The government will transfer more than 1.961 billion lei from the state social security budget and 339.359 million lei from the state budget to the National Romanian Postal Company for the advance payment of pensions and other entitlements provided by special laws for the month of May, through postal mandate. An additional 6.347 billion lei will be transferred from the state social security budget and 683.898 million lei from the state budget to commercial banks for advance payments of pensions and other entitlements.

During the Executive meeting, other significant decisions will be made, including the approval of technical-economic indicators for constructing a 30,000-seat stadium in Timisoara. The government will also analyze a draft resolution regarding the opening of the international border crossing point between Beba Veche (Romania) and Kübekháza (Hungary), the expropriation procedure for the eastern bypass of the municipality of Arad, and the modernization of port infrastructure in the port of Drobeta Turnu Severin.

Additionally, the government will discuss an emergency ordinance for modifying and supplementing existing laws to achieve the targets of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, as well as approve Romania's participation in the D4D Hub to involve the Romanian digital innovation ecosystem in emerging markets and access external funds.

MP Konstantinos Floros Accused of Felony for Attack on Fellow MP in Greek Parliament: Independent MP Konstantinos Floros appeared before the investigating judge on Thursday afternoon to provide his defense against felony charges. He is accused of attacking MP Vassilis Grammenos of the Greek Solution during a plenary session in the Greek Parliament on April 24.

Floros is alleged to have engaged in a heated argument with Grammenos in the chamber before attacking and punching him outside the chamber. The incident took place during a discussion about lifting the immunity of the Greek Solution president, Kyriakos Velopoulos, following a defamation lawsuit filed against him by Floros's father.

The accused's attorney, Vasso Pantazi, stated that the incident was preceded by "vulgar verbal attacks" from the victim against her client. She argued that the felony charge against Floros is a "legal exaggeration" of an unfortunate personal incident.

The prosecutor filed a felony charge against Floros based on Article 157 of the Penal Code, which punishes the use of violence against an MP in the performance of their duties with imprisonment for at least ten years. Floros remains in custody and will continue to defend himself in the ongoing legal proceedings.


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