Foreign workers boost Albania’s labor market

Foreign workers boost Albania’s labor market


The National Employment and Skills Agency (AKPA) announces that in 2024, over 13 thousand foreign citizens were employed in our country with a regular employment contract, CE Report quotes Kosova Press.

"The increase in the number of foreigners is due to the economic growth that the country has experienced. In 2024, 700 thousand employees are registered on our payrolls, of which about 13 thousand are foreigners who have applied to be employed in Albania," said the director of the Labor Market Service, Gertiola Çepani, in a media interview.

Foreigners in the labor market are dominated by Italians, Turks, and Indians, but there is no shortage of people from other countries, reports ATA.

The main sectors where employment contracts have been secured are services, accommodation, construction, trade, and manufacturing.

The law stipulates that all foreign citizens must secure an employment contract, to then apply for a residence permit in our country.


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